Psycho-cultural analysis of religious views of post-industrial society


Mgr. at Mgr. Vladislav Shestakov, PhD Petrova Galina Ivanova


Болгарская русистика 2, 2022, s. 65-74


The article presents the results of a sociological survey of residents of Moscow on the subject of religious beliefs for a sample of 5096 respondents. The data obtained indicate that a person’s belief system is not affected by the level of well-being, the level of secular education or the confession professed. Alternative forms of religious beliefs are still relevant in the minds of post-industrial society.

This study confirms the tendency of unstable public interest in the orthodox teachings of the largest religions using complex terminology, ceremonial components and prolonged involvement with a particular denomination.

Kee words: Catholicism, Protestantism, Pastafarianism, Buddhism, astrology, reincarnation, omens, afterlife



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